Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Attenbury Emeralds by Jill Patton Walsh

It's been a long time since I've written a review here. Now I'll try to catch up.

The Attenbury Emeralds is a mystery novel based on the characters of Dorothy Sayers - yup, a Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane novel.

Unfortunately I read those novels so long ago that I don't know how well Patton's characters match Sayer's.

What I can tell you is that I did enjoy this book and I mostly liked the interplay between the couple and the way Patton describes the post-war period the book takes place in.

It starts out with Lord Peter and Bunter relating a tale of the Attenbury Emeralds to Harriet. This story started before the Sayers books/Lord Peter's first related case. The case comes into the present when it's revealed that the emerald(s) are more than they seem. Sort of. It's hard to describe without giving away too much.

This is the third in a series. The first one Thrones, Dominations I haven't read. The second one, Presumption of Death I have read and look here for a review sometime in the future. Thrones, Dominations is a continuation of a Sayers' novel. Presumption of Death was written based on Sayers' notes about life during WWII. The Attenbury Emeralds is Patton's first mystery in the series which owes nothing but the characters to Sayers.

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